F12864 †
LCDコントローラ †
ILI9341 †
S1D13700 †
SSD13xx †
Linux †
ST7565 †
Linux †
Arduino †
ST7567 †
ST7735 †
ST7789 †
ST7920 †
UC1701 †
Arduino †
Linux †
- fbtft_device のパラメタ
# modinfo fbtft_device
parm: name:Devicename (required). name=list => list all supported devices. (charp)
parm: rotate:Angle to rotate display counter clockwise: 0, 90, 180, 270 (uint)
parm: busnum:SPI bus number (default=0) (uint)
parm: cs:SPI chip select (default=0) (uint)
parm: speed:SPI speed (override device default) (uint)
parm: mode:SPI mode (override device default) (int)
parm: gpios:List of gpios. Comma separated with the form: reset:23,dc:24 (when overriding the default, all gpios must be specified) (charp)
parm: fps:Frames per second (override driver default) (uint)
parm: gamma:String representation of Gamma Curve(s). Driver specific. (charp)
parm: txbuflen:txbuflen (override driver default) (int)
parm: bgr:BGR bit (supported by some drivers). (int)
parm: startbyte:Sets the Start byte used by some SPI displays. (uint)
parm: custom:Add a custom display device. Use speed= argument to make it a SPI device, else platform_device (bool)
parm: width:Display width, used with the custom argument (uint)
parm: height:Display height, used with the custom argument (uint)
parm: buswidth:Display bus width, used with the custom argument (uint)
parm: init:Init sequence, used with the custom argument (array of int)
parm: debug:level: 0-7 (the remaining 29 bits is for advanced usage) (ulong)
parm: verbose:0 silent, >0 show gpios, >1 show devices, >2 show devices before (default=3) (uint)
# modinfo flexfb
parm: chip:LCD controller (charp)
parm: width:Display width (uint)
parm: height:Display height (uint)
parm: init:Init sequence (array of int)
parm: setaddrwin:Which set_addr_win() implementation to use (uint)
parm: buswidth:Width of databus (default: 8) (uint)
parm: regwidth:Width of controller register (default: 8) (uint)
parm: nobacklight:Turn off backlight functionality. (bool)
parm: latched:Use with latched 16-bit databus (bool)
実行例 †
トラブルシューティング †
- fbtft_device がGPIOの設定をする処理中でエラーが発生している
- 別のところでGPIOを設定している場合は削除(コメントアウト)する
fbterm †
jfbterm †
con2fbmap †
手動登録 †
Arduino †
u8glib †