-[[そうだったのか!! IT業界(1):文字コード:https://liginc.co.jp/532702]]

-[[【 nkf 】 文字コードを変換する:http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/COLUMN/20060227/230849/]]

* unicode [#leb5b740]

 $ python -c "print u'\u30A8\u30B9\u30B1\u30FC\u30D7\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30E6\u30CB\u30B3\u30FC\u30C9'"

**CJK統合漢字 [#o9161543]

**URO(Unified Repertoire and Ordering) [#bea96eca]
-Unicode 1.0.1 として割り当てられた漢字領域と漢字文字

**BMP(Basic Multilingual Plane) [#ub913591]

**文字符号化方式 [#wbfaad68]
***UTF-8 [#cdbe6066]

***UTF-16 [#h783d345]

***UTF-32 [#gec1eb9e]

***UTF-7 [#e66b528b]

* 変換ツール [#f64ee4ba]
** iconv [#yca920cb]

** [[lv:http://www.ff.iij4u.or.jp/~nrt/lv/]] [#kaf90d26]

** [[nkf:http://sourceforge.jp/projects/nkf/]] [#y00acc50]

 $ nkf --help
 Usage:  nkf -[flags] [--] [in file] .. [out file for -O flag]
  j/s/e/w  Specify output encoding ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP
           UTF options is -w[8[0],{16,32}[{B,L}[0]]]
  J/S/E/W  Specify input encoding ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP
           UTF option is -W[8,[16,32][B,L]]
  m[BQSN0] MIME decode [B:base64,Q:quoted,S:strict,N:nonstrict,0:no decode]
  M[BQ]    MIME encode [B:base64 Q:quoted]
  f/F      Folding: -f60 or -f or -f60-10 (fold margin 10) F preserve nl
  Z[0-4]   Default/0: Convert JISX0208 Alphabet to ASCII
           1: Kankaku to one space  2: to two spaces  3: HTML Entity
           4: JISX0208 Katakana to JISX0201 Katakana
  X,x      Convert Halfwidth Katakana to Fullwidth or preserve it
  O        Output to File (DEFAULT 'nkf.out')
  L[uwm]   Line mode u:LF w:CRLF m:CR (DEFAULT noconversion)
  --ic=<encoding>        Specify the input encoding
  --oc=<encoding>        Specify the output encoding
  --hiragana --katakana  Hiragana/Katakana Conversion
  --katakana-hiragana    Converts each other
  --{cap, url}-input     Convert hex after ':' or '%'
  --numchar-input        Convert Unicode Character Reference
  --fb-{skip, html, xml, perl, java, subchar}
                         Specify unassigned character's replacement
  --in-place[=SUF]       Overwrite original files
  --overwrite[=SUF]      Preserve timestamp of original files
  -g --guess             Guess the input code
  -v --version           Print the version
  --help/-V              Print this help / configuration

 $ echo '%A4%DB%A4%B2' | tr % = | nkf -wmQ

 $ echo ほげ | nkf -wMQ | tr = %

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